13ο Ευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Εργατικού Δικαίου Work in the Digital Era – Legal Challenges (Διαδικτυακά- Λισαβώνα) https://lisbon2020congress.com/?lang=en
22o Συνέδριο Παγκόσμιο Εργατικού Δικαίου “Challenges to labour law and social security systems” https://islssl.org/world-congress/ XΧII ISLSSL World Congress Lima, Peru, 7-10 September 2021
Work in the Digital Era – Legal Challenges
XIII European Regional Congress of the
International Society for Labour and Social Security Law
5-7 May 2021
To date, we have lived in a world where the centrality of work – human labour and paid employment – was undisputed. But new phenomena are challenging and developing at an unprecedented and vertiginous scale: the fourth industrial revolution, industry 4.0, digitalisation, robotics, algorithms and Artificial Intelligence…
In fact, we are now living in a Digital Era. What sort of impacts will the new era have on human labour and paid employment? The 9 to 5 workday tradition has been stroke by industry 4.0 and is suffering considerable erosion, and work is no longer a place to go to but rather a task to fulfil, demanding a “permanently available” worker or employee to complete it. Which consequences and challenges arise from this new paradigm to the employee’s health and safety? Do employees have a right to “disconnect”?
Work performed through digital platforms (e.g. apps) and the so-called “sharing economy” are among us, probably weakening dependent or employed work (a typical example being Uber and similar transport services).
Robotics recent and amazing development announces the downturn of human work once it is said that automation and robots (especially collaborative robots or “cobots”) will render human work unnecessary, as it will be replaced by automatic processes; will this be the end of Employment Law?
In respect of the right to privacy, will it survive in this new world? What sort of personal data protection will there be in this new Digital Era? What consequences will this all have on the traditional principles of equality and non-discrimination? And how will this impact Social Security? Is Trade Unionism prepared to respond to the demands of the Digital Era? And will collective bargaining survive and adapt?
These and many other related questions are becoming burning issues every day, at a global scale. These will be the problems and challenges to discuss in the congress to be held in 2020, subject to the axial theme “Work in the Digital Era – Legal Challenges”.
You may find below a (still provisional) program of this congress
Provisional Program
May 5
11h30 (GMT) – Young Scholars meeting
12h00 (GMT) – ISLSSL Executive Commitee meeting, chaired by Janice Bellace and Giuseppe Casale
16h30 (GMT) – Opening Ceremony
Dra. Ana Mendes Godinho (Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security)
Prof. Doutor António Cruz Serra (Dean of Universidade de Lisboa)
Prof.ª Doutora Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho (President of the Labour Law Portuguese Association and Full Professor of Universidade de Lisboa)
17h00(GMT) – 1st Plenary Session (round table):
Artificial Intelligence And Human Work: What Lies Ahead?
Chair: Janice Bellace (President ISLSSL)
Digital work vs. new forms of entrepreneurial organization – Carlos Moedas (Manager of Calouste Gulbenkiean Foundation, Former European Commissioner, Portugal)
New perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and employment – Arlindo Oliveira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon – Portugal)
Artificial Intelligence within enterprises: case study – Ana Paula Marques (EDP Manager – Portugal)
The goals of labour law in the age of artificial intelligence – Jeremias Adams-Prassl (University of Oxford – United Kingdom)
18h30 (GMT) – End of activities
May 6
10h30 (GMT) – 1st Parallel Session:
Health And Safety At The Workplace And Social Security Protection In A Digital World
Chair: Jean-Michel Servais (Honorary President ISLSSL)
Major risks for health and safety in employment relations in the digital era – Leszek Mitrus (Jagiellonian University – Poland)
Social security systems in the digital era – Kroum Markov (ILO)
Liability for work-related injuries in the digital era – Júlio Gomes (President of the Social Section of the Portuguese Supreme Court)
10h30 (GMT) – 2nd Parallel Session:
Social Networks And Employment Contract: What Are The Problems?
Chair: Mia Rönnmar (University of Lund)
Limits on freedom of speech in social networks – Felicia Rosioru (University Babeş-Bolyai, Romenia )
Seeking for a job: what is the place of social networks? – Regina Redinha (Universidade do Porto – Portugal)
Social networks: public or private sphere? – Marie-Cécile Escande-Varniol (Université Lumière Lyon II – France)
10h30 (GMT) – 3rd Parallel Session:
Presentation Of The Book “Modern Forms of Work” , Young Scholars Section
Coordination: Stefano Bellomo (Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy) / David Carvalho Martins (AJJ, Portugal)
10h30 (GMT) – 4th Parallel Session (conducted in Portuguese):
Work In The Digital Era, Developments In Portugal
Chair: Manuel Pinto Hespanhol (Portuguese Supreme Court)
Employment in the digital era: a new concept of worker? – António Monteiro Fernandes (ISCTE, Lisboa – Portugal)
Work in the digital era: a new concept of employer / enterprise? – Catarina Carvalho (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto – Portugal)
Work in the digital era: a new paradigm for collective bargaining? – José João Abrantes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Portugal)
10h30 (GMT) – 5th Parallel Session (conducted in Spanish)
Work in the digital Era: Developments in Spain
Chair: María Emilia Casas Baamonde (President AEDTSS)
The impact of new disruptive technologies on workers privacy – José Luis Goñi Sein – Public University of Navarra, Spain
Labour relations in the era of robotics and artificial intelligence – Jesús Mercader Uguina – University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
Algorithms and robots; the challenges of working in the digital age – María Luz Rodríguez Fernández – University of Castilla – La Mancha, Madrid, Spain
10h30 (GMT) – 6th Parallel Session (Presentation of Papers):
10h30 (GMT) – 7th Parallel Session (Presentation of Papers):
12h00 (GMT) – Break
13h00 (GMT) – 2nd Plenary Session:
Work In Digital Platforms: Legal Challenge
Chair: Tiziano Treu (President Emeritus of the ISLSSL)
Who to employ in digital platforms? – Miguel Rodriguez – Piñero Royo (University of Seville)
How to identify an employee vis-à-vis the new reality? – Valerio De Stefano (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Subordination versus economic dependence in employment relationships in the digital era – Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho (University of Lisbon – Portugal)
14h45 (GMT) – Break
15h00 (GMT) – 8th Parallel Session:
Equality And Non-Discrimination In
Chair: Frank Hendrickx (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Gender (in)equality in digital platforms? – Sylvaine Laulom (Cour de Cassation, France)
Digital work, equality and the reconciliation of professional life and private and family life – Susanne Burri (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
Digital era, employment and discrimination: is there a discriminatory algorithm? – Teresa Coelho Moreira (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
15h00 (GMT) – 9th Parallel Session:
Robotics, Automation And Employment Contract: Main Trends
Chair: to be confirmed
Human work and automation: future trends – José Eduardo Resende Chaves Júnior (President of the Ibero-American Union of Judges)
Automation and technological unemployment: legal aspects – Joana Vasconcelos (Univerdade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal)
Managed by Algorithms: Legal Aspects of Automated Decision Making – Lukasz Pisarczyk (University of Warsaw – Poland)
15h00 (GMT) – 10th Parallel Session (conducted in French):
The Algorithm And The Employment Contract
Chair: Martine Le Friant (Université d’Avignon, France)
Algorithmes et Contrat de Travail –
Costas Papadimitriou (University of Athens, Greece)
Patrice Adam (Université de Lorraine, France) – To be Confirmed
Luke Mason (Birmingham City University, United Kingdom) – To be Confirmed
15h00 (GMT) – 11th Parallel Session (conducted in Portuguese)
Post-pandemic Brazil: Labour Law and Governance
Chair: Nelson Mannrich (University of São Paulo, Brazil): Labour Law Flexibility post Coronavirus pandemic
The Role of Labour Judges during and after the pandemic – Maria Cristina Irigoyen Peduzzi (President of the Superior Labour Court)
Evolucionary Interpretation of Constitutional Principles – Luis Carlos Robortella (Lawyer)
Informal Workers, Work in Platforms – The Urgent State Protection – Jouberto de Quadros Pessoa Cavalcante (Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute, São Paulo, Brazil)
15h00 (GMT) – 12th Parallel Session: (conducted in Portuguese)
15h00 (GMT) – 13th Parallel Session: Presentation Of Papers
15h00 (GMT) – 14th Parallel Session: Presentation Of Paper
16h30 (GMT) – End of Activities
May 7
10h30 (GMT) – 3rd Plenary Session:
Working Time And Workplace In The Digital Era: New Frontiers?
Chair: Manfred Weiss (Honorary President ISLSSL)
Working time, time for oneself and right to disconnect – João Leal Amado (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
Remote work, telework and smart work – Natalie Munkholm (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Globalization: how to discover the proper law of the employment contract? – Piera Loi (University of Cagliari, Italy)
12h00 (GMT)– Break
13h00 (GMT) – 4th Plenary Session:
Collective Action And Collective Bargaining In The Digital Era: Main Trends
Chair: Stein Evju (University of Oslo)
Digital work and trade unionism: can they go together? – Bernd Waas (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
Digital work and collective bargaining, a new regulatory challenge? – Fausta Guarriello (University Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
Digital work: a new task for social dialogue? – Jesús Cruz Vilallón (University of Seville, Spain)
14h45 (GMT) – Break
15h00 (GMT) – 5th Plenary Session:
Work In A Digital Era, Human Rights And Personal Data Protection
Chair: Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho (President APODIT)
Technological Omniscience, Social Freedom, and the Law – Matthew Finkin (University of Illinois, USA)
The digital era and personal data protection: case law – Ana Guerra Martins (European Court of Human Rights)
Digital work, fundamental rights and personality rights – Guillermo Barrios Baudor (University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain)
17h00 (GMT) – Closing Session – General Assembly of the ISLSSL
22o Συνέδριο Παγκόσμιο Εργατικού Δικαίου “Challenges to labour law and social security systems” https://islssl.org/world-congress/ XΧII ISLSSL World Congress Lima, Peru, 7-10 September 2021
Early Bird Registration by May 31st, 2021 |
Standard Registration from June 1st to September 03th, 2021 |
Participants |
US$ 150 |
US$ 180 |
Law students up to 30 years old* |
US$ 60 |
US$ 80 |
Payments can be made through the congress website by credit card (the payment platform is secured by PayPal) or by wire transfer (please note that any Bank fees must be assumed by the participant).
As general rule, Early Bird registration must be completed with full payment by May 31st, 2021, otherwise the standard fee will apply. Early Bird rate will be available for groups of ten (10) or more people until July 31st, but can be paid only by wire transfer**.
Registration fees include: access to all sessions, Congress program and official documentation.
*Subject to validation, is mandatory to send proof of student status to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
**To obtain the Bank account information for the wire transfer, please send a message to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information and Registration:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstracts must be submitted until March 31st, 2021.
The approval of submitted abstracts will be informed on or before April 30th, 2021.
Full papers must be submitted until July 15th, 2021.
The approval of submitted papers will be informed on or before August 15th, 2021.
(Lima Time GMT-5)
Tuesday September 7th, 2021
09:00 – 11:00
Executive Committee Meeting
09:00 – 11:00
Young Scholars’ Section Meeting
09:00 – 11:00
International Association of Labour Law Journals (IALLJ) Private Meeting
Wednesday September 08th, 2021
08:00 – 08:45
Opening Ceremony
09:00 – 10:00
Plenary Session: Transformation of Work: Challenges to Labour Law
Coordinated by: Alberto Pizzoferrato (Italy) and Sergio Torres Teixera (Brazil).
10:00 – 10:15: BREAK
10:15 – 11:15
Plenary Session – Global Trade and Work
Coordinated by: Wilfredo Sanguineti Raymond (Peru) and Marley Weiss (USA)
11:15 – 12:00 BREAK
12:00 – 14:00
Simultaneous Sessions: presentation of papers.
Thursday September 09th, 2021
08:00 – 09:00
Plenary Session: New forms of social security.
Coordinated by: Kurt Paerli (Switzerland) and Masaiko Iwamura (Japan).
09:00 – 09:15 BREAK
09:15 – 10:15
Plenary Session: Migrant Workers.
Coordinated by: Petra Herzfeld-Olsson (Sweden) and Helga Spadina (Croatia).
10:15 – 10:30 BREAK
10:30 – 11:30
Plenary Session: Non-Standard and Informal Workers.
Coordinated by: Pamihidzai Bamu (Zimbabwe) and Roberto Fragale (Brazil)
11:30 – 12:00 BREAK
12:00 – 14:00
Simultaneous Sessions: presentation of papers.
Friday September 10th, 2021
08:00 – 09:00
Plenary Session: Equality at Work.
Coordinated by: Monika Schlachter (Germany) and Maria Luisa Molero Marañon (Spain)
09:00 – 09:15 BREAK
09:15 – 10:15
Plenary Session: The State and New Forms of Collective Voice.
Coordinated by: Tomas H. Natividad Sanchez (Mexico) and Bernd Waas (Germany).
10:15 – 11:00 BREAK
11:00- 13:00
Simultaneous Sessions: presentation of papers.
13:00 – 14:00
General Assembly of the ISLSSL and Closing remarks.
In September 2015, President Tiziano Treu proposed a new initiative, which the Executive Committee endorsed; namely, the establishment of seven international research (or study) groups as a means for promoting collaborative research focused on a specific topic. The idea was that these research groups would work over the period of two years, and would report at the next world congress. Professor Treu’s initiative was a great success. The reports of the research groups were presented at the plenary sessions of the XXII ISLSSL World Congress in Turin and engendered significant interest in engagement. In addition, many individuals presented papers connected to these seven themes throughout the Congress. This proved a more dynamic approach than the traditional approach of having topics selected, and rapporteurs appointed who would prepare national reports on the topic and then present a summary and analysis at the world congress.
Today, with so much information available online, there is no longer a need for national reports. In contrast, the formation of international research groups provides the opportunity for many of our members to contribute to ongoing dialogue and debate on a given topic, and it permits the theme coordinators to draw on this to produce a report that identifies issues, trends and policy options. The web and new online platforms for group work will help us in organizing our work and in exchanging information and papers.
Encouraged by the success of this research group approach, our President, Janice Bellace, has proposed that we follow it once again in the period leading to the XXIII ISLSSL World Congress in Lima in 2021. The seven international research (or study) groups for the XXIII ISLSSL World Congress are as follows:
Transformation of Work: Challenges to Labour Law
Global Trade and Work
New challenges of social security
Migrant Workers
Non-Standard and Informal Workers
Equality at Work
The State and New Forms of Collective Voice
The proposals for lectures must refer to one of the topics addressed by the research groups.
Authors should submit a proposal that develops one of the topics of the World Congress which abstract shall have a maximum length of 500 words. All proposals must be in English, Spanish or French and will be subject to a refereeing process.
Proposals will be received by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The document must be accompanied with a brief resumé of the author(s), as well as contact details, country and the organization they belong to, if applicable. Decisions will be communicated on or before March 30th, 2021.
Authors of accepted abstracts must register for the Congress to be entitled to present their full papers.
Any paper must correspond to a complete and original work not previously published, with up to 15 pages. Mere abstracts are not accepted.
Papers must be submitted by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Papers must be submitted according to the following formal rules or will otherwise be immediately rejected:
Adobe Acrobat PDF format, font Arial, size 11 (9 for footer notes), single space.
Text in English, Spanish or French languages.
The first footnote must detail the academic or professional title of the author(s) and the organization they belong to, if applicable.
The abstract is limited to ten lines and must be in the English language. Three keywords are mandatory.
Citation rules: Author(s), Name of Book, edition (except in case of first editions), year published, page(s); or Author(s), “Name of Article”, Name of Collective Work or Magazine, volume or number (if applicable), year published and pages.
A brief resumé of the author(s), not exceeding six lines for each, must be included at the end of the paper.
The paper, including the resumé(s) mentioned above, may not exceed 15 pages.
Papers submitted according to the formal rules set forth above shall be subject to review by the Congress Organizing Committee.
The approval of submitted papers will be informed. In the absence of any such information, the submitted paper will be deemed not approved for publication.
Authors of accepted papers may or may not be invited by the Organization Committee to present them at the Congress.
By submitting their paper, the authors declare, on their word of honor that the text submitted corresponds to an original work and has not been ever published before.